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Shoots a long range grappling hook that pulls a single enemy unit close.
Shoots a long range grappling hook that pulls a single enemy unit close.

Grappler Tips

  • Once built it will only remain for a certain amount of time.
  • Every few seconds, the Grappler shoots a long range grappling hook that pulls a single enemy unit close.  While pulling the Troop it deals minor damage.

Grappler Offensive Strategy

  • To distract the Grappler you can use Critters. This way you can avoid other (more important) units from being grabbed
  • Cheap, small Troops like Riflemen and Zooka can also be used to get to the Grappler first. Losing a single Riflemen or Zooka is not as bad as losing a single heavy expensive Troop like a Tank for example.
  • When using large heavy units (Tank, Scorcher etc) at the frontline you should use Smoke Screens on the Grappler to prevent unit loss.

Grappler Defensive Strategy

  • The best place to put a Grappler is in the middle of some other Defensive Buildings. Most preffered surrounded by multiple Cannons and/or Boom Cannons. This way when the Grappler grabs heavy units they can be destroyed quickly.
  • Carefully consider the spot for the Grappler, since the Troops that it pulls could serve as a distraction for the other defensive buildings.
  • grappler
Building size
LevelHealthDamage Per Sec.Damage per ShotAttack SpeedBuild Cost Critical FuseBuild Cost Complex GearBuild Cost Power RodBuild Cost Field CapacitorBuild TimeWeapon lab level