A Resource Base is an additional base which supplies you with a particular resource. Find out all you need to know about Resource Bases in Boom Beach!
Resource Base Tips
You can find multiple Resource Bases by exploring the Archipelago. You can see the top of the Outpost through the clouds. Check out all available Resource Bases below.
You can obtain multiple Resource Bases.
A Resource Base will deliver you one particular resource. The kind of resource can be different on every Resource Base.
There is no Resource Base which delivers Gold, you obtain Gold from freed villages.
You can harvest trees for wood on a Resource Base.
Resource Boats have a maximum capacity and they can’t collect any more resources when fully loaded.
Map of all available Resource Bases
Defensive Tips
When you conquer a new Resource Base chances are that the previous owner wants it back and he will probably try to take over the base.
You can not upgrade the buildings on a Resource Base, they get upgraded every time the Resource Base changes owner.
Every time the Resource Base changes owner there is a possibility of getting a new defensive building.
You lose the Resource Base when attacking Troops destroy your Outpost.
You can move the buildings on a Resource Base, build a strong defense!